
Spreading Thanks and Gratitude

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Thanksgiving at the Youth Zone is filled with gratitude and community, a time for youth and staff to think about what we are grateful for while connecting with our friends and peers.

During our November high school event, thirty-three youth made their way to the Youth Zone to celebrate Gratitude and Giving Back, which was this month’s theme. Activities for the evening included an audio recording station where youth could make a recording for the “You’ve Got a Friend in PA Pep Talk Line.” Youth created and shared words of encouragement for any one to listen to by calling the pep talk line. One young person shared how challenging it was to think about a positive statement, but also how good it felt to share positive thoughts with others. Additionally, those who attended could make hot chocolate in a jar or soup in a jar (all dry ingredients) to share with loved ones—20 extra jars were assembled and donated to Women’s Center and Shelter of Pittsburgh; this is the second year we made this donation.


Right before the Thanksgiving break, our annual tradition is to have a large community gathering where everyone comes together and shares a delicious homecooked meal, and this year’s event was the largest (and best food) to date! Forty-one youth joined us for a meal that included turkey, ham, greens, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, rolls, and of course: Mr. Tim’s famous sweet potato pie! In the days leading up to the meal, staff and youth collaborated on preparing sides and making pies. Youth helped peel and mash 40 pounds of potatoes, experimented with making homemade cranberry sauce, and got hands-on in learning the “right way” to make collard greens. Although many youth shared how good the meal was, even more expressed their gratitude for having an event that brought everyone together.

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